Annual Kagyur Recitation《大藏經 – Kangyur甘珠爾》 法會通知

Saturday, November 30
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center
23-11 98th Street
East Elmhusrt, New York 11369

The Recitation of the Sacred
Words of the Buddha
In New York City

《大藏經 – Kangyur甘珠爾》 法會通知

Saturday & Sunday
November 30 & December 1

Daily Schedule (All times are ET):
8 AM – 9 AM : Breakfast
9 AM – Noon : First Session
12 PM – 1:30 PM : Lunch
1:30 PM – 3 PM : Second Session
3 PM – 3:30 PM : Break
3:30 PM – 5 PM : Third Session
5 PM – 6 PM : Dinner

8 AM – 9 AM : 早餐
9 AM – 中午: 第一節課
12 PM – 1:30 PM : 午飯
1:30 PM – 3 PM : 第二節課
3 PM – 3:30 PM : 休息
3:30 PM – 5 PM : 第三節課
5 PM – 6 PM : 晚餐

Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center is excited to announce the annual recitation of the Precious Kagyur, the collection of the 84,000 teachings of our teacher Buddha Sakyamuni, this Thanksgiving weekend.
寧瑪白玉佛法中心(纽约市)舉辨一年一度的 《大藏經 – Kagyur甘珠爾  》誦經法會將于今年Thanksgiving 感恩節假期

Buddha himself said, “Five hundred years from now during the degenerating time, I will appear in the form of syllables. Take these words as equal to me and honor them.” He also said in the sutras that in future, his written teachings themselves will be the teacher of beings.

Reciting the Kagyur invokes the power of the truth and blessings of all Buddhas of the three times and ten directions. The vibration of the sound of these infallible sacred words brings the Buddha’s teaching alive, healing the negative karma of beings of this world and increasing their positive karma and wellbeing. Thus, the blessings that come from this recitation are so unfathomable that even the Buddhas could go on for ages explaining its benefits.
念誦《甘珠爾》,祈求十方三世諸佛的加持。 佛陀無誤的神聖話語的聲音的振動,能使他的教義栩栩如生,既治癒了世間眾生的負面業力,又增加了他們的正面業力和福祉。 因此,念誦《甘珠爾》所得到的加持是深不可測的,連諸佛都可以解釋其好處。

We wish that this effort brings peace and equality in our world and mitigates the escalating outer and inner conflicts of this degenerating time. We dedicate this recitation to the long and healthy lives of our teachers and holders of all lineages, and pray that all the turkeys and other animals whose lives are taken for ceremonies and festivals be born in the higher realms and gradually become free from the suffering of samsara.
我們希望這項努力能夠為我們的世界帶來和平與平等,緩解未法時代不斷升級的負能量,確保戰爭迅速結束,並恢復環境不平衡。 此外,我們將這些誦經迴向所有因儀式和節日而被奪去生命的動物,包括數以百萬計的火雞,以投生到更高的境界並逐漸從輪迴的痛苦中解脫出來。

For those who cannot read Tibetan, you can participate just as fully by reciting the Kangyur sutras in your own language. For English speakers, much of this cannon has been translated and is available at
對於那些不懂藏文的學生,您可以通過用您自己的語言背誦甘珠爾經典來充分參與。 對於說英語的學生來說,這大部分內容已經過翻譯,可上以下連接:

For more information please email us at

All sessions will also be live on both Zoom and the Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center NYC Facebook page.
此次法會将全程在Facebook – Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center Nyc  及Zoom 現場直播


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Passcode 密碼: Guru

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Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center