Mahaparinirvana Anniversary of H.H. Penor Rinpoche
Dear Sangha,
Tomorrow, Monday, March 11 is the 15th Anniversary of the Mahaparinirvana of His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche, our root teacher and the 11th Throneholder of the Palyul Lineage. To remember His Holiness on this important day and receive his blessings, we invite everyone who has time to join in offering a Shower of Blessings tsok and practicing Guru Yoga, tomorrow, Monday at 7:00 p.m. EDT at the temple. We will also be live on Zoom and Facebook (details below).
The importance of observing parinirvanas is taught in many tantras; Ati Kodpa Chenpo says:
On the year, month and the day of the passing of the master
By carefully checking the dates without confusion
If one makes the offering
One can perfectly accumulate the two accumulations.
The root tantra of Kalachakra too says:
On the year, month and day of the passing of masters
One must observe the anniversary and make offerings.
The karma accumulated for many eons will be nullified
And be freed from the very terrifying land of Yamas.
The merit accumulated by giving vision to the blind and saving lives of beings of the three thousand myriad world
Would not even illustrate such merit.
Considering these immense blessings, please join us.
H.H. Penor Rinpoche
Mahaparinirvana Tsok
Monday, March 11
7:00 – 8:00 p.m. EDT
Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center
23-11 98th Street
Queens, NY 11369
Meeting ID: 827 1526 3353
Passcode: Guru
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