Blessings of the Lotus Hat of H.H. Penor Rinpoche on Guru Rinpoche Day
We are delighted to announce that on the 10th Day of Saga Dawa (May 18, 2024), the Pema Thongdrol, the Lotus Hat which brings liberation upon seeing, will be available for public viewing at Guru Lhakhang. His Holiness wore this hat on several occasions when giving the empowerments of Rinchen Terzöd, Kama, Namchö, and many other important empowerments of the Nyingma lineage. We request all of you to come and receive the blessings from a rare relic on this auspicious day during Saga Dawa.
我們很高興地宣布,在薩嘎達瓦月的第十天(2024年5月18日)及其後一天,一見即解脫的蓮花帽,將于上師拉康(Guru Lhakhang)可供公眾瞻仰。尊者在傳授Rinchen Terzod仁欽特佐、Karma噶瑪、Namcho南丘灌頂以及寧瑪派傳承的許多其他重要灌頂時,曾多次佩戴這頂帽子。 在這個吉祥的達瓦日,我們懇請大家前來接受稀有舍利的加持
These events will also be live on Zoom (details below)
這些活動也將在 Zoom 上進行直播(詳情如下)
Saturday, May 18, 2024
11:00 am – 5:00 pm EDT
The Lotus Hat will arrive at Guru Lhakhang and Devotees can receive blessings while the sangha offers Rigdzin Dupa Tsok
11:00am-5:00pm 信徒可以瞻仰得到蓮花帽的加持,而僧伽供奉仁增杜巴措 (Rinzin Dupa Tsok)蓮師荟供
Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center
23-11 98th Street
Queens, NY 11369
Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center NYC
2311 98th Street East Elmhurst NY 11369
Meeting ID: 827 1526 3353
Passcode: Guru
May All Beings Benefit,
Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center