11th Birthday Celebration of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche Yangsi
We cordially invite you to join us in celebrating the Eleventh Birthday of His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche Yangsi, Migyur Dechen Garwang Zilnon Dorje, on Saturday, January 7, 2023. On this joyous day we are fortunate that Kyabje Gyang Khang Rinpoche will lead a Rigdzin Düpa tsok offering, prayers for His Holiness’ long life, and give a long life empowerment to the public. In the evening there will be cultural shows by various Tibetan and Himalayan communities of New York City, followed by a gala party. Please come and join as one vajra family on this auspicious occasion!
1 PM – 3 PM Rigdzin Düpa Tsok Offering
3 PM – 5 PM Long Life Empowerment by Kyabje Gyang Khang Rinpoche
6 PM – 2 AM Cultural Shows and Gala Party
Tickets to Evening Events (beginning @ 6 PM)
$30 / person
Tickets can be purchased at the door, or before the event by contacting one of our board members: