21 Dzambhalas Puja & Prayers for Dr. Mary (49th Day)
All are welcome to join in offering a Twenty One Dzambhalas puja tomorrow, Sunday, April 14 from 10:00 a.m. to Noon (EDT) at the temple or on Zoom or Facebook. In addition, at the conclusion of the puja we will recite aspiration prayers for late Dr. Mary Young for the 49th Day.
Through the practice of Dzambhala, one can receive blessings that remove all obstacles on the Dharma path related to poverty; this includes gaining both physical wealth and increasing one’s own spiritual qualities. Through this practice, one can experience great prosperity and stability in one’s life and community, more easily perfect enlightened qualities such as generosity, devotion, and compassion, accomplish all virtuous aspirations, and ultimately attain enlightenment and relieve the sufferings of countless sentient beings.
Practice of Twenty One Dzambhalas
Aspiration Prayers for Dr. Mary (49th Day)
Sunday, April 14 @ 10:00 AM – Noon (EDT)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82715263353?pwd=UmZoM1ZIalJsWnR3TWZKMWg5RFcyQT09Meeting ID: 827 1526 3353
Passcode: GuruOne tap mobile
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Meeting ID: 827 1526 3353
Passcode: 206651
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“Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center NYC” page: