H.E. Khen Rinpoche Sangay Rangjung: Avalokiteshvara Empowerments on Saga Dawa Düchen
Dear Dharma Friends,
We are pleased to announce that on the occasion of Vesak (Saga Dawa Düchen), Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center has invited H.E. Khen Rinpoche Sangay Rangjung to bestow Empowerments of the Great Compassionate One, the Natural Liberation of Suffering from the Longchen Nyingthik. These Empowerments include Tara, Marici, Basudara, Kurukule, Amitabha and the 1,000 Hand Avalokiteshvara. Sangha and devotees are encouraged to take this great opportunity to receive these Empowerments for the benefit of oneself and others.
恰逢佛誕節,纽约市寧瑪白玉佛法中心誠意邀請H. E. Khenpo Sungay Rangjung Rinpoche 授于大慈大悲觀世音菩薩灌頂, 此法是Longchen Nyingthik [龍欽寧提] 中的 Natural Liberation of Suffering 困苦自然解脫論。此灌頂包括: Tara 度母,Marici 摩利支天佛母,Basudara (Vasudhara) 持世觀音, Kurukule 咕嚕咕列佛母, Amitabha 阿彌陀佛 及 1000 Hand Avalokiteshvara千手千眼觀世音菩薩。鼓勵僧團和信眾利用這個良機接受這些灌頂,以利益自己和他人。
Then this same evening at 7:00 PM, we will celebrate Saga Dawa by practicing Treasury of Blessings, a practice of Buddha Shakyamuni, followed by offering a Shower of Blessings Tsok. These evening practices will be live on Zoom and Facebook (details below).
然後在同一天晚上 7:00,我們將通過修持釋迦牟尼佛的加持寶藏來慶祝薩嘎達瓦,然後供奉加持加持薈供。 當晚的法會- 也將在 Zoom 和 Facebook 上直播(詳細信息在電子郵件底部)。
Saga Dawa Düchen Schedule
Sunday, June 4
6 月 4 日星期日
2:00 – 5:00 PM
下午 2:00 – 5:00
Natural Liberation of Suffering (Dukngal Rangdrol) Empowerment
苦的自然解脫 – 觀世音菩薩灌頂
7:00 – 9:00 PM
晚上 7:00 – 9:00
Buddha Shakyamuni Practice and Shower of Blessings Tsok Offering
The Venerable Khenpo Sangay Rangjung Rinpoche is a senior Khenpo of the Palyul Tradition. He was born in March, 1960 in Nepal, and has been studying and practicing the Buddhadharma for nearly his entire life, since the age of seven. Rinpoche completed his studies and research in sutras and tantras at the prestigious Ngagyur Nyingma Institute of Namdroling Monastery in Mysore, South India, and in 1994 was conferred the title of Khenpo by His Holiness Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche as a member of the second group of Khenpos to be enthroned at Namdroling.
Khen Rinpoche received all types of empowerments and transmissions from the greatest Nyingma masters of our time, including H. H. Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, H.H. Jyatal Sangye Dorjee Rinpoche, H.H. Dodrupchen Rinpoche, H.H. Thulsik Rinpoche, H.H. Dudjom Rinpoche, H.H. Penor Rinpoche, and many others, and completed retreats on the Three Root Deities and Dzogchen practices. Rinpoche has taught extensively at Namdroling Monastery and is currently the president and founder of Ngagyur Nyingma Palyul Urgen Dorjee Choling monastery, shedra, and retreat center in Pharphing, Nepal, where he provides Buddhist training and education to more than 600 monks. He is also President and Chief Master of Seventeen monasteries and organizations, and now travels to many monasteries and Buddhist centers around the world to perform pujas and give teachings and empowerments.
H. E. Khenpo Sungay Rangjung Rinpoche是寧瑪白玉傳承的一位堪布,1960年3月出生於尼泊爾,從七歲起從至今幾乎一生都在研修佛法,仁波切在著名的南卓林寺阿久寧瑪學院完成顯密學修,並於 1994年由貝諾法王授予堪布稱號。
仁波切曾在南卓林寺廣泛任教,目前是尼泊爾Phurphing, Ngagyur Nyingma Palyul Urgen Dorjee Choling寺、佛學院和閉關中心的院長和創始人,他在那里為600多名僧人提供佛教培訓和教育,他也是十七個寺院和組織的院長和首席上師。
Live links for the evening Tsok offering beginning @ 7:00 PM EDT (please note that the empowerment will not be shown on Zoom/Facebook):
Meeting ID: 827 1526 3353
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Passcode: 206651
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