Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche: Teachings on Buddha Nature During Saga Dawa

Tuesday, June 20
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center
23-11 98th Street
East Elmhusrt, New York 11369

Dear Dharma Friends / 各位白玉金剛法友,

Many of us have received the profound teachings on the Uttaratantra, the explanation of Buddha Nature written by the future Buddha Maitreya, from Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche in 2021 and 2022. We are excited to announce that beginning this June 6 during Saga Dawa, Khenpo will kindly continue this teaching program on Buddha Nature: Rinpoche will complete the teachings on the Uttaratantra root text, and then beginThe Lion’s Roar: A Commentary on Sugatagarbha by Mipham Rinpoche. These teachings will be available live to everyone on Zoom, and students are also welcome to attend in person at the temple.

我們許多位法友同修曾都在 2021 年和 2022 年参加過,從尊貴上師Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche堪布丹增諾傑仁波切那裡,接受了由Buddha Maitreya未來彌勒佛撰寫的佛性解釋的深奧教法。我們很高興地宣布,從今年 6 月 6 日Saga Dawa薩嘎達瓦節開始,堪布將 請繼續進行此項佛性的教學計劃:仁波切將完成對 Uttaratantra  {宝性論} 根本文本的教學,然後開始由 Mipham 米龐(麥彭)仁波切撰寫的Lion’s Roar Sugatagarbha如來藏《獅子吼:善加藏》的註論。 將會為全球各國所有白玉法友提供即時在 Zoom 上教學,也歡迎紐约的法友親自到寺廟參加。

Teachings on Buddha Nature During Saga Dawa
Saga Dawa薩嘎達瓦節開始  Buddha Nature 佛性 之教學

English | 普通話
仁波切説英語 並提供即時同步普通話翻譯

Two Sessions Per Week
Beginning Tuesday, June 6

7:00 PM – 9:00 PM (EDT)
美東時間7:00pm – 9:00pm (亞洲時間第二天早上7:00am-9:00pm)

The teaching dates will be:
Tuesday, June 6
Friday June 9
Monday, June 12
Friday, June 16
Tuesday, June 20
Each Friday there will be a question & answer session at the end of the teaching


The Uttaratantra is one of the five Dharmas written by the future Buddha Maitreya. It is the treatise that is the commentary to the Buddha’s Third Turning, which explains the tathāgatagarbha, or Buddha Nature. The understanding of buddha nature is very important in the practice Mahayana Buddhism because it is the foundation of all practices—the basic good nature that is present in all sentient beings.

Uttaratantra {宝性論} 是未來的Buddha Maitreya彌勒佛所著的五法之一。 這是佛陀第三轉法輪的論著,它解釋tathāgatagarbha如來藏,或buddha nature佛性。 對佛性的了解在修行Mahayana Buddhism大乘佛教中非常重要,因為它是一切修行的基礎——存在於所有有情眾生中的基本善性。

Khen Rinpoche will finish teaching on the Uttaratantra root text, picking up where we left off last year, and then begin The Lion’s Roar: A Commentary on Sugatagarbha by Mipham Rinpoche.


In The Lion’s Roar, Mipham Rinpoche first examines the question of why buddha nature is present in all beings having mind, and then goes on to present the ultimate sutra teachings in which Buddha Nature is understood to be buddhahood actually present in beings. The English translation of this text can be found on Amazon here.

在《獅子吼》中,米彭仁波切首先探討了為什麼所有眾生之心中都存在有佛性,然後繼續透過ultimate sutra究竟佛經的研究而呈現出,令使被更容易理解佛性真諦。 這篇文章的英文翻譯可以在亞馬遜上找到。

While finishing the root Uttaratantra text, we will continue following the commentary by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche provided by the Khyentse Foundation: Students can also follow the root text on, which includes Chinese translation:
The root text and commentary available on

學生還可以按照 索取原文評論及中文翻譯法本
(請按籃色掣 “Study”)

Please register via the following link. Upon registering, you will receive an email with the Zoom link for the teaching program
Zoom 報名連结。報名後,你會收到email通知你的Zoom link

Register Here 在此報名

There is no fee to register, but students can support this program and Nyingma Palyul Dharma Center by making a donation via the website’s donation (link below). Please write “Uttaratantra” in the comments section of your donation to be included in the Mandala Offering presented at the end of the teaching program.

Donate To Support This Program 隨喜供養


Khenpo Tenzin Norgay Rinpoche was born in Bhutan. After completing secondary school in 1986, he joined the Ngagyur Nyingma Institute, the prestigious Buddhist studies and research center at Namdroling Monastery in Mysore, South India. At the Institute he studied under Khenchen Pema Sherab, Khenpo Namdrol Tsering, Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso, and other visiting professors, including Khenchen Jigme Phuntsok and Khenpo Pema Tsewang from Tibet. He completed the Shedra program in 1995 and joined the Institute staff, teaching there for three years. He was formally enthroned as Khenpo by His Holiness Penor Rinpoche in 1998 and was assigned by His Holiness to teach at the Buddhist college at Palyul monastery in Tibet. Khenpo-la received all the major empowerments of the Rinchen TerzodNam ChoNyingthik Yabshi and Nyingma Kama from His Holiness Penor Rinpoche and the Mipham Kabum from His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Because of his knowledge and experience, and fluent command of the English language, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche assigned him to teach students in North America in conjunction with Khenchen Tsewang Gyatso Rinpoche.

堪布天增諾傑仁波切出生於不丹。  1986 年中學畢業後,他加入了南印度邁索爾南卓林寺著名的佛教研究中心——Ngagyur Nyingma Institute。 在學院,他師從堪欽貝瑪謝拉、堪布南卓次仁、堪欽澤旺嘉措,以及來自西藏的堪欽晉美彭措和堪布貝瑪次旺等客座教授。 他於 1995 年完成了 Shedra 課程並加入了研究所的工作人員,在那裡任教了三年。  1998年,他被法王貝諾仁波切正式加冕為堪布,法王指派他在西藏白玉寺的佛學院任教。 堪布拉從至尊貝諾仁波切處接受了仁欽寺、南秋、寧提亞布希和寧瑪噶瑪的所有主要灌頂,並從至尊頂果欽哲仁波切處獲得了米彭噶班。 由於他的知識和經驗,以及流利的英語,尊貴的貝諾仁波切派他與堪欽澤旺嘉措仁波切一起在北美教授學生。